Security Policy


e-Jan Networks Co. (hereinafter referred to as ‘e-Jan’), a leading provider of remote access services for advancing clients’ business efficiency through telecommuting, recognises that appropriate information security management is a critical issue to win trust from both its customers as well as society.

e-Jan therefore declares this Information Security Policy as its action policy for information security management. Information assets to which the Information Security Policy applies shall mean information obtained or learnt in e-Jan’s business activities, as well as information owned by e-Jan for business purposes. All e-Jan employees shall obey Information Security Policy declared here.

Operation of Information Security Policy

  • 1. e-Jan will assess the risk of holding its information assets based on the defined procedures and manuals, taking proper risk management to establish an Information Security Management System, which shall be constantly improved.
  • 2. e-Jan will clarify the responsibilities and roles of concerned persons to properly manage the information assets the company owned.
  • 3. e-Jan will educate and train the management team, all employees, as well as other concerned persons thoroughly so that all members may carry out their duties with information security literacy.
  • 4. e-Jan will surveil and record whether the Information Security Management System is well-functioning, and that the concerned regulations and rules are followed. e-Jan will enhance the reliability of operation and continuously improve system management by 1) revising and achieving the goal of securing information assets, and 2) routine internal inspection together with management reviews.
  • 5. e-Jan will thoroughly investigate the cause of any information security incidents that may occur to minimise damage and loss, and simultaneously give its best efforts to ensure business continuity.
  • 6. e-Jan will constantly revise its internal regulations and measures concerning information security to be in line with changes in society, technology, laws, and contracts with its clients.

August 10, 2017
e-Jan Networks Co.
CEO Shiro Sakamoto