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インド子会社からのメンバーの来日対応について/The Visit of Members from Our Indian Subsidiary

先日、インドにある子会社CACHATTO India Private Limitedより3名のメンバーが来日しました。今回の記事では、来日対応時に注意した点や新たな気づき、効果などについてご紹介します。

CACHATTO India Private Limitedについて
CACHATTO India Private Limited(以下、CIPL)は2017年にインド・バンガロールに設立された当社の子会社で、現地企業のニーズに応え、多様な顧客の要望に迅速に対応する製品開発を行っています。現地採用された約25名の若いメンバーで構成されており、今回は開発や製品保証グループのリーダーを務める3名が来日しました。主な目的は、当社e-Janメンバーとのコミュニケーション活性化や全社イベントへの参加、当社が出展したEXPOの見学です。子会社管理を担当する経営企画部が今回の来日を対応しました。










The Visit of Members from Our Indian Subsidiary
Recently, three members from our Indian subsidiary, CACHATTO India Private Limited (CIPL), visited Japan. In this article, we will introduce the points we paid attention to during their visit, new insights, and the effects of their visit.

About CIPL
CIPL is our subsidiary established in Bangalore, India, in 2017. It develops products that respond to the needs of local companies and quickly address the demands of diverse customers. Comprising about 25 young members hired locally, three leaders from the development and product assurance groups visited Japan this time. The main purposes of their visit were to enhance communication with e-Jan members, participate in company-wide events, and visit the EXPO where our company exhibited. The Corporate Planning Department, which manages the subsidiary, handled this visit.

1. From the Airport to the Hotel
In mid-October, the three CIPL members arrived at Haneda Airport on a late-night flight. Since it was their first visit to Japan, we went to the airport to pick them up. We issued Suica cards at the nearest station to the airport, charged them, and then moved to a hotel in Tokyo. Dinner that day was a simple meal from a convenience store on the way to the hotel. Since two of the three members are vegetarians, we carefully checked product labels to find suitable items. To avoid the complexity of Japanese trains, we booked a hotel near our Tokyo headquarters so they could commute on foot.

2. Work
From the next day, the CIPL members worked either at the Tokyo headquarters or the hotel, depending on the situation. At the Tokyo headquarters, they met e-Jan members face-to-face for the first time and engaged in communication and meetings related to development. On the afternoon of the third day of their visit, they participated in a company-wide event. As representatives of CIPL, they presented their initiatives and sales performance for the first half of FY2024. We also included English in the presentation materials of e-Jan members to make it easier for CIPL members to understand. During the casual conversation session, CIPL members were seen conversing in English with Japanese e-Jan members, sometimes using translation apps. At the subsequent social gathering, they interacted with many e-Jan members outside the development team. Vegetarian-friendly menu options were also prepared for the catered meal. The EXPO visit was a fresh experience, and they found it a good opportunity to learn about the latest technology and business trends in Japan.

3. Weekend Activities
During the weekends of their stay, we ensured they enjoyed Japan. On Saturday, they toured Asakusa and the Tokyo Skytree, enjoying vegan ramen and dumplings. On Sunday, they visited our CEO's mountain lodge at the foot of Mt. Fuji, where they enjoyed nature and the scenery.

4. Effects of the Visit
The most significant effect of this visit was the activation of communication. Interaction with CIPL members, who have different cultural backgrounds, provided new discoveries and learning opportunities for both sides, bringing fresh perspectives to work approaches and problem-solving methods. For CIPL members, it was an opportunity to experience Japanese culture and business practices, while for e-Jan members, it was a chance to deepen their understanding of CIPL members' perspectives through direct conversations. Particularly, CIPL members were very impressed by the e-Jan members' attitude towards their work.

5. Acceptance of Different Cultures
The most challenging aspect of this visit was accommodating dietary preferences. In Japan, there are not many options for vegetarian restaurants or food, making it difficult to find suitable items. We sometimes had meals delivered from Indian restaurants to the hotel. Additionally, the visit coincided with a major festival season in India and a busy schedule of events in Japan, making it a hectic schedule for CIPL members. We realized the need to pay more attention to scheduling in the future.


The visit of members from our Indian subsidiary was a valuable experience for us. While it required consideration of cultural differences and dietary preferences, the benefits gained were significant. We will continue to strengthen our interaction with CIPL and work towards the growth of the entire company.
The company-wide event introduced in this article is featured in this article:
