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Going beyond IT: e-Jan baseball team

When you think of a Japanese IT company, many people would generally think of suited people working hard day and night to complete their tasks or drinking till they drop on weekend.

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First Time in Japan

Where are you going to stay? What about the food? How can we contact you? How are you going to manage all the finances? and more and more questions were fired at me by my parents while I was preparing to leave for work in Japan. Although I had faith in my abilities to accustom myself to unfavourable situations, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew these questions were legit.
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Teleworking & Remote Language Lessons

These days people in Tokyo are getting tired of the rush hour commutes in and out of downtown Tokyo. In fact, the Founder of our company has often commented on this uncomfortable time on the crowded trains, and how wonderful it would be if more workers could telework. To this end, he has instituted a progressive policy for permitting staff to telework once or twice a week whenever possible.

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Maharaja Indian Restaurant
July 12, 2019

Once again the employees of e-Jan Networks gathered for a lovely evening at Maharaja. A few times per year, the company hosts an evening where we can practice our conversational and business English skills in a social setting. This was our 2nd visit there.

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Here at e-Jan Networks there are a lot of new ideas happening everyday. Staff are given encouragement to relax and tap into their creative and imaginative brain. In every group and department, there are hard working staff that constantly are trying to solve problems and not just complain about them.
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19th Anniversary Party in Kochi

In March, we held a 19th anniversary party celebrating the foundation of the company in Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture.
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Darden Students Visit 2019

On May 13th, our CEO Shiro Sakamoto invited MBA students and a panel of experts from his alma mater, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business to e-Jan.
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Orientation&Welcome Party for 'Naiteisha'

In mid-January, e-Jan held an orientation seminar as well as welcome party for our prospective employees at the company.
‘Prospective employees', in Japanese, 'Naiteisha'(内定者), here means ‘students that have received and accepted our job offers’.
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Signal 'cups' at desks

A part of her unique cultures of e-Jan is that allowing all employees to freely cultivate and create new things by themselves.
Today, we are going to introduce something that brought by developers at e-Jan to this company by themselves, 'signal lights' at desks.
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Tori-no-ichi Festival 2018

‘Tori-no-ichi’ is a festival that accordingly originated at Asakusa area during Edo period (1603-1868). People in Japan, especially in Tokyo, believe that praying and offering to the God of Otori (Otori means giant bird in Japanese, namely the eagle here) can bring you back good fortune, health and business prosperity.
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The impact of ‘Telework Day’/远程办公日

In anticipation of severe transit congestion due to high intercity traffic during the London 2012 Summer Olympics & Paralympics, London’s transport system called for alternate workstyles such as teleworking (a.k.a. telecommuting). Many companies and residents took part in this movement and began teleworking. As a result, in addition to avoiding traffic congestion during the London 2012 Summer Olympics & Paralympics, companies that implemented telework developed infrastructure for business continuity, reported a rise in employee productivity and satisfaction, and improvements to work-life balance.
各类宣传和试行的结果,不仅是成功地在伦敦奥运会及残奥会期间,使城市的交通压力得到极大缓解;引进远程办公制度的企业也借此契机构筑并完善其业务延续性计划(Business Continuity Plan,简称BCP),促进了生产力的同时更让员工对于公司的满意度也得以提升。而从员工处,也得到了因为可以远程办公而让自己可以更好地平衡工作与生活等正面反馈。

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